GB SCT # 57 PLATE 2 SUPERB FACE FREE CANCELLED 5sh SUPERB CENTERING RARE TO GET adminDecember 21, 2023platecancelled, centering, face, free, plate, rare, superb All items will be Double Checked Before being sent out so there is no mistakes which sometimes happens.
GB QV 1d Red (Plate 150) COMPLETE RECONSTRUCTION of all 240 POSITIONS adminJanuary 3, 2024platecomplete, plate, positions, reconstruction
Vic 1d red (Plate 225). Horizontal crease. Fresh unmounted mint, scarce adminApril 23, 2021platecrease, fresh, horizontal, mint, plate, scarce, unmounted
GB SCT # 85 PLATE 18 VF-MLH 4d GREY BROWN(Gum Bend) CAT VALUE $603 adminOctober 20, 2022platebend, browngum, grey, plate, value, vf-mlh