Great Britain #124 (SG #212) Very Fine Used With Ideal Lombard St May 13 1896 adminDecember 9, 2024greatbritain, fine, great, ideal, lombard, used, very Great Britain #124 (SG #212) Very Fine Used With Ideal Lombard St May 13 1896 CDS Cancel, Deep Fresh Color. For Oversized Lots i. Sheets, Large Covers, Etc.
Great Britain Machine Cancels Multi Page Lot Postage Stamps Various Condition adminOctober 16, 2023greatbritain, cancels, condition, great, machine, multi, page, postage, stamps, various
Great Britain 1882 5 Pound Red Orange Used Certified adminJuly 17, 2024greatbritain, certified, great, orange, pound, used
Great Britain stamps 1847 SG 59 margin stamp CANC VF adminDecember 6, 2024greatbritain, canc, great, margin, stamp, stamps