Great Britain 1851 Inman Line CITY OF MANCHESTER Maiden Voyage Stampless SFL. Stampless folded letter, with commercial contents, struck with “6” in blue octagon, to Philadelphia, endorsed “per City of Manchester”, interior dated July 17, carried on the maiden voyage of the Inman Line “City of Manchester”, docketing arrived in Philadelphia on 15 August, fresh and scarce, ex Booth. The Inman Line began carrying cargo and passengers to Philadelphia. Most was carried via American steamship. Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association, American Stamp Dealers Association, and Philatelic Traders Society (Gold). Are the responsibility of the purchaser. Our Guarantee to You… We’re proud to offer collectors an attractive selection of fine and rare stamps, postal history, and ephemera. We seek out quality material for our clients. _gsrx_vers_1436 GS 9.0.5 (1436).