Great Britain 1851 OHMS free frank cover to the U. S, forwarded, New York 5cts adminDecember 8, 2024great5cts, britain, cover, forwarded, frank, free, great, ohms, york Cover will be sent with tracking.
Great Britain #57 (SG #126) Mint With Certificate adminOctober 4, 2024greatbritain, certificate, great, mint
Great Britain KGV to QEII Specialised Remainders in Album adminFebruary 15, 2024greatalbum, britain, great, qeii, remainders, specialised
GREAT BRITAIN 1841 QV 2d violet-blue, variety strong ivory head. Cat £28,000 adminFebruary 25, 2024greatbritain, great, head, ivory, strong, variety, violet-blue
Great Britain SC# 3. 167 Stamps with different cancels. SC Value $2922 adminFebruary 21, 2022greatbritain, cancels, different, great, stamps, value