GREAT BRITAIN 1864, Sc. No. 33, SG. 43 used VF, complete set Pl. 71-225 Flawless adminJune 20, 2024great71-225, britain, complete, flawless, great, used GREAT BRITAIN 1864 – 1879, A complete set of Scott No. 33, SG 43, Plates 71 through 225 (without plate 77) mostly very fine, full perfs.
Great Britain stamps 1867 SG 128 signed CANC VF adminJuly 29, 2022greatbritain, canc, great, signed, stamps
GREAT BRITAIN #96 #108-109 Queen Victoria Postage Stamp Collection Used adminMay 23, 2024great108-109, britain, collection, great, postage, queen, stamp, used, victoria
Great Britain Stamps LONDON Duplex Cancellations, Lot of 43 adminJanuary 25, 2025greatbritain, cancellations, duplex, great, london, stamps
Great Britain 1840 Penny Black A D Used Croce Rossa Malta Cert adminJune 1, 2024greatblack, britain, cert, croce, great, malta, penny, rossa, used