GREAT BRITAIN 1912 Scott no. 174 used adminDecember 9, 2024greatbritain, great, scott, used GREAT BRITAIN – Early stamp – used. 174 : frame is 22mm high and background of portrait have horizontal lines. Prices for economy combined lots less than 30 gr.
Great Britain-world’s 1st Adhesive Stamp-penny Black, Postage Cliche, Metal Die adminNovember 13, 2022greatadhesive, black, britain-world's, cliche, great, metal, postage, stamp-penny
Great Britain Scott #96 1883 Victoria 2/6 Shilling- Wmk 31 Mint Hinged adminJune 3, 2022greatbritain, great, hinged, mint, scott, shilling, victoria
Great Britain #O38 (SG #O72) Very Fine Mint Lightly Hinged With Certificate adminDecember 1, 2022greatbritain, certificate, fine, great, hinged, lightly, mint, very