Great Britain 1958 Yvert #283A/86A Elizabeth II Castles MNH-VF Cert. RAYBAUDI adminMay 25, 2024great283a86a, britain, castles, cert, elizabeth, great, mnh-vf, raybaudi, yvert You will receive the photographed stamps. See the images to get an accurate idea of the quality of the stamps offered. An image is worth a thousand words… Much better than any comment I can write.
GREAT BRITAIN #96 #108-109 Queen Victoria Postage Stamp Collection Used adminMay 23, 2024great108-109, britain, collection, great, postage, queen, stamp, used, victoria
Great Britain 1974 Scott # 716 PHQ Card Cancelled adminAugust 19, 2024greatbritain, cancelled, card, great, scott
Great Britain Stamp 1881 2 1/2d Queen Victoria Plate 22 Scott # 82 SG157 MINT NH adminFebruary 23, 2023greatbritain, great, mint, plate, queen, scott, sg157, stamp, victoria
1840 Great Britain. SC#1. SG#1. Used, VF. Plate 1b (RG-RH). Horizontal Pair adminJune 29, 2022greatbritain, great, horizontal, pair, plate, rg-rh, used