Great Britain Edinburgh 1723 Bishop Mark Red Free adminSeptember 22, 2024greatbishop, britain, edinburgh, free, great, mark GREAT BRITAIN EDINBURGH 1723 BISHOP MARK RED FREE. Free wrapper to the Earl of London in London dated June 18 1723 with red oval Edinburgh Bishop Mark Ju 20 and Ju 26 arrived with inverted VI. Powered by SixBit’s eCommerce Solution.
Great Britain 1880 Scott #68 SG142 Plate 19, 2 1/2d Stamp. Mint NGH CV $550 adminJanuary 1, 2023greatbritain, great, mint, plate, scott, sg142, stamp
Great Britain Scott #75 (sg #129) 1878 One Pound (brown Lilac) Wmk 26- Used adminApril 19, 2024greatbritain, brown, great, lilac, pound, scott, used
1881 Great Britain Cover ties 6p Stamp w Ayr Duplex (27) cd to GPO. Adelaide, SA adminJanuary 14, 2024greatadelaide, britain, cover, duplex, great, stamp, ties
Great Britain Vintage Stamp Collection CV over $30,000 Lot #3108 see desc adminOctober 29, 2023greatbritain, collection, desc, great, stamp, vintage