Great Britain Queen Elizabeth II 1952 Postage Revenue-$520.00 adminMay 22, 2024greatbritain, elizabeth, great, postage, queen, revenue-52000 The stamp comes in a vibrant blue color and is graded as VF (Very Fine) quality. It has never been hinged or used before and is in excellent condition. Additionally, it is uncertified and is a great addition to any stamp collection.
Great Britain 1 Used 1840 Queen Victoria Red Cancel adminSeptember 1, 2022greatbritain, cancel, great, queen, used, victoria
Great Britain, collection better stamps Victoria Yv 101/103 cat. Val = 1852.00 adminAugust 30, 2023greatbetter, britain, collection, great, stamps, victoria
Great Britain stamp collection 1850s -1940s used 81 stamps cv $522 aa2 adminSeptember 13, 2023great-1940s, 1850s, britain, collection, great, stamp, stamps, used