Great Britain Vintage Stamp Collection CV over $22,145 Lot #3615 (4% start) adminSeptember 27, 2024greatbritain, collection, great, stamp, start, vintage I did not consider any premium mark ups on catalog value for dozens of Victorian stamps that have circular post marks and/or full four borders.
Great Britain Stamps Collection Early Issues SCV $1377 adminAugust 2, 2024greatbritain, collection, early, great, issues, stamps
GREAT BRITAIN 1862 Sct #34 M/NH, Fine-Very Fine, QUEEN VICTORIA WMK 23 FG 4p adminApril 13, 2023greatbritain, fine, fine-very, great, queen, victoria
GREAT BRITAIN Stamp Collection on Scott Specialty Pages (Victoria era1974) adminJuly 11, 2023greatbritain, collection, era1974, great, pages, scott, specialty, stamp, victoria
Great Britain Scott 67, Plate 16 (1876) Mint LH F OG, CV $500.00 C adminMay 15, 2023greatbritain, great, mint, plate, scott