Lot 40216 Stamp collection Great Britain 1840-1990 in Davo album and stockbook adminDecember 2, 2024stamp1840-1990, album, britain, collection, davo, great, stamp, stockbook All stamps photographed. American Stamp Dealer Association (USA). Philatelic Traders Society (UK). Bundesverband des Deutschen Briefmarkenhandels (DE). Nederlandse Vereniging van Postzegelhandelaren (NL). We made many more pictures of this lot.
Lot 36188 Stamp collection Great Britain 1841-1999 adminJanuary 16, 2023stamp1841-1999, britain, collection, great, stamp
GB QV Stamp SG. 129 £1 Brown-lilac VFU Used 1881 CDS Cat £4,500+75%=£7,875 BLACK3 adminApril 30, 2021stampblack3, brown-lilac, stamp, used
Stamp Collecting Resolutions For The New Year adminJanuary 16, 2025stampcollecting, resolutions, stamp, year