Great Britain Scott #124 1891 Victoria One Pound- Wmk 30 (green) – Used EXTREMELY FINE, PERFECT PERFORATIONS, THREE CLEAR CANCELS, RELATIVELY GOOD CENTERING. This item is in the Continued »
GB 1880 SG 121 gestempelt 2SH brown geprüft RICHTER SG 4200 pound Z3715 Minimaler ECKBUG rechts oben sehr schöne seltene MARKE , gute Erhaltung siehe auch Scan. The Continued »
Mag756 GB 1929 GEORGE V £1 POUND BLACK SG#438 Scott#209 used cv$800 NO HIDDEN FAULTS - SEE PICTURES!! The item Mag756 GB 1929 GEORGE V £1 POUND Continued »
Great Britain Scott #124 One Pound Used $800.00 SCV Nice Nice Appearance, Stamp Is Actually Pretty Nice But Does Have A Diagonal Pre Print Paper Continued »
GB 1887 QV Sg 212 £1 One Pound Green Jubilee VFU AS SA Cat £800 Clear and bright colour and lightly cancelled. Please see my other listings of my fathers Continued »