Great Britain 1880 Scott #68 SG142 Plate 19, 2 1/2d Stamp. Mint NGH CV $550 Great Britain 1880 Scott #68 SG142 Plate 19, 2 1/2d Stamp. Please zoom in on Continued »
Great Britain Scott #43a Pl 8 SG93 4p Stamp Mint OGLH CV $550 Please zoom in on the pictures to see physical details. This is the exact item Continued »
Gr. Britain Scott #118a SG207 5d QV Stamp. Mint OGH. Type I. PSE Cert. CV $825 Britain Scott #118a SG207 5d QV Stamp. Please zoom in on the pictures to see Continued »
Gr. Britain Scott #7d SG60wi 6d QV Stamp. Used. Inverted Wmk. PSE Cert. CV$1000 Britain Scott #7d SG60wi 6d QV Stamp. Please zoom in on the pictures to see Continued »
Great Britain Scott #123 Queen Victoria £1 Stamp. Used. PSE Certified. CV $4400 Please zoom in on the pictures to see physical details. This is the exact item Continued »
Great Britain Scott #52 Plate 4 SG110 9d Stamp. Used CV $300 Great Britain Scott #52 Plate 4 SG110 9d Stamp. Please zoom in on the pictures Continued »
UK Framed Penny Black Stamp Worlds First Postage Stamp by Wall Street COA (RoT) I appreciate your courtesy! The condition is described above for more information please check the Continued »
Great Britain Scott #109 10sh Stamp. Used w London Cancel Nicely centered CV$660 Great Britain Scott #109 10sh Stamp. Please zoom in on the pictures to see physical Continued »
Great Britain Uk Penny Red Stamp With Maltese Cross Cancel The item(s) shown in the photos is exactly what is included. If you'd like to Continued »