1856 Great Britain United Kingdom Queen Victoria 1 Shilling Postage Stamp #28 adminFebruary 10, 2024greatbritain, great, kingdom, postage, queen, shilling, stamp, united, victoria Please note that the amount paid may appear on the envelope.
1856 Great Britain 4 Pence Stamp SG #64 Sc #25 Used Avg adminFebruary 20, 2023greatbritain, great, pence, stamp, used
Great Britain S. G. 210a (1887-92) 10d purple & deep bright carmine Mint H withCert adminAugust 19, 2022great1887-92, 210a, bright, britain, carmine, deep, great, mint, purple, withcert
Great Britain Scott 67, Plate 16 (1876) Mint LH F OG, CV $500.00 C adminMay 15, 2023greatbritain, great, mint, plate, scott
GREAT BRITAIN 1840 QV 2d deep blue no lines, plate 1. Rare genuine mint adminDecember 16, 2024greatblue, britain, deep, genuine, great, lines, mint, plate, rare