GB 1841 BLUE 2d USED PAIR SG14e LETTERS RI-RJ MALTESE CROSS CANCEL adminMay 12, 2024blueblue, cancel, cross, letters, maltese, pair, ri-rj, sg14e, used Please see scan(s) as this is an important part of the description. 2d Blue letters’RI-RJ. SG14e Maltese Cross cancel. A pair of stamps.
GB QV 1840 2d blue imperf plate 1 4 margin NL with black MX adminNovember 23, 2023blueblack, blue, imperf, margin, plate
SG 45 2d Blue plate 9 1858-76, A full sheet reconstructed of 240. Plate 9 in fin adminOctober 7, 2021blue1858-76, blue, full, plate, reconstructed, sheet
QV 2d Blue IMPERF x14 MARGINS VARY USED (CV £1,400+) adminNovember 19, 2023blueblue, imperf, margins, used, vary