Great Britain #1 (SG #2 Specialized #AS73b) Plate 11 Very Fine Used With Cert adminApril 14, 2024greatas73b, britain, cert, fine, great, plate, specialized, used, very Great Britain #1 (SG #2 Specialized #AS73b) Plate 11 Very Fine Used With Black Maltese Cross Cancel, With Certificate. For Oversized Lots i. Sheets, Large Covers, Etc.
Great Britain Scott #173a 1915 Seahorse 2/6 (lt Brown) De La Rue Mint Hinged adminOctober 2, 2023great173a, britain, brown, great, hinged, mint, scott, seahorse
Great Britain Scott #57 SG #126 Plate #1 Used 4 Clear Margins adminApril 16, 2023greatbritain, clear, great, margins, plate, scott, used
GREAT BRITAIN 1867 Queen victoria issue (plate 2) sg. 127 cv. £1,500 adminJanuary 17, 2025greatbritain, great, issue, plate, queen, victoria
Great Britain #53 Mint Fine Lightly Hinged adminFebruary 7, 2022greatbritain, fine, great, hinged, lightly, mint