Great Britain 1867 SG104 6d lilac QV LNNL rose wmk hyphen plate 6 FU (amd) adminNovember 2, 2023greatbritain, great, hyphen, lilac, lnnl, plate, rose, sg104 Great Britain 1867 SG104 6d lilac QV LNNL spray of rose watermark with hyphen fine used (amd).
GREAT BRITAIN 1876/80 8d ORANGE QV Sc#73 GU E 1886 adminFebruary 5, 2022greatbritain, great, orange, sc73
Great Britain Sc 122 MNH. 1887 1sh QV, Top Value To Set, Crease, F-VF Appearing adminAugust 31, 2022greatappearing, britain, crease, f-vf, great, value
Great Britain 1944 postcard to Japan recovered undelivered POW mail adminJanuary 7, 2025greatbritain, great, japan, mail, postcard, recovered, undelivered
Great Britain 1840 1980 S Stamp Collection On Hagners adminApril 23, 2021greatbritain, collection, great, hagners, stamp