GREAT BRITAIN 1877 Victoria sage-green issue sg. 153 pl. 16 cv. £1400 adminApril 30, 2024greatbritain, great, issue, sage-green, victoria Please see the scan for the specific condition of each individual stamp.
Great Britain 1883 Sc# 94, Three Pence, OG, UNUSED 3d OVPT adminApril 7, 2023greatbritain, great, ovpt, pence, three, unused
Great Britain Uk Penny Red Stamp With Maltese Cross Cancel adminNovember 22, 2022greatbritain, cancel, cross, great, maltese, penny, stamp
Great Britain Scott #93 (sg #137) 1882 5 Pounds Wmk 31- Used (glascow Cancel) adminNovember 8, 2023greatbritain, cancel, glascow, great, pounds, scott, used