Lot 39020 Stamp collection Great Britain 1840-1939. High cat. Value adminMarch 6, 2024stamp1840-1939, britain, collection, great, high, stamp, value All stamps photographed. American Stamp Dealer Association (USA). Philatelic Traders Society (UK). Bundesverband des Deutschen Briefmarkenhandels (DE). Nederlandse Vereniging van Postzegelhandelaren (NL). Very high catalogue value!
Lot 40216 Stamp collection Great Britain 1840-1990 in Davo album and stockbook adminDecember 2, 2024stamp1840-1990, album, britain, collection, davo, great, stamp, stockbook
GB KGV Stamp SG. 438 £1 PUC Congress High Value 1929 Fine Used Cat £550+ GRED77 adminOctober 8, 2021stampcongress, fine, gred77, high, stamp, used, value
Lot 37301 Stamp collection Great Britain 1841-1969 adminDecember 30, 2024stamp1841-1969, britain, collection, great, stamp
Save 5 On Stamp Duty Avoid The Higher Rates Uk Property Tax adminDecember 31, 2024stampavoid, duty, higher, property, rates, stamp