Great Britain 1851 OHMS free frank cover to the U. S, forwarded, New York 5cts adminDecember 8, 2024great5cts, britain, cover, forwarded, frank, free, great, ohms, york Cover will be sent with tracking.
Great Britain 1 Used 1840 Queen Victoria Red Cancel adminJanuary 11, 2022greatbritain, cancel, great, queen, used, victoria
1913 Great Britain. SC#176. SG#403. Mint, Higned, VF. Certificate adminFebruary 27, 2023greatbritain, certificate, great, higned, mint, sc176, sg403
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Great Britain 1841 Penny Red One Penny Blue Two Pence Set Of Stamps In Frame adminDecember 25, 2023greatblue, britain, frame, great, pence, penny, stamps